When people are more familiar with your personal brand, it automatically increases the chances of them hiring you. What’s more, by focusing on growing your personal brand, you’re far more likely to attract additional coverage.
You might already be an expert but in order to boost your personal brand, you need to establish yourself as an expert.
If you’ve just gotten your personal brand off the ground, here are a few strategies that are simple and that you can implement this week.
● Consistency is essential. If you want to get noticed, you need to get out there and get out there often. Whether it’s creating a social media and content calendar, speaking at events or scheduling interviews, the more people pick up on your brand, the better it is for you.
● Publicity and personal interactions are equally important. Getting public exposure can do wonders for your brand but PR is not the be-all and end-all. The kind of press you get also makes a difference to how you’re perceived by the public. Personal interactions are the other side of the coin and they’re just as important. People can still see you as an expert and appreciate the fact that you’re willing to have one-on-one interactions.
● Review your website. Maintaining a solid personal website is another tactic that can have a positive impact on the success of your brand. A website can be a powerful asset if you use it correctly. If you haven’t done so in a while, review your content, images and calls to action. The wording and images you use and how regularly you create content can all make a difference to how effective your site is. Also, if you aren’t using your site as a lead-generation tool, now’s the time to change that.
● Engage and share your stories. Social media is another tool that when used correctly, can bring you a lot of new business. Stories are at the heart of social media and is the ideal platform for communicating with the press and your customers. Make sure that you’re striking the right balance between promotional posts and stories/content that your audience would find interesting. If you don’t have a content calendar in place, this is something you should implement as soon as possible. Make sure that your writing style, images, and colors are consistent with your website when posting.
● Get in touch with your existing customers. The happy customers you’ve dealt with in the past are your best referrals. If you haven’t been in touch with them in a while, this is something you can do this week. Not only does this open you up to repeat business but it gives you the opportunity to source new business too. Many people are more than willing to provide referrals – you only have to ask.
You don’t need to spend hours on your personal brand every day. With consistency and a plan, you can take your brand to new heights in no time at all.